Brand positioning refers to how a product or company is thought of in one’s mind. When researching this question consumers are often asked what is the first thing that comes to mind when thinking of this product (done in class), or how would it be described if the product were a person. This is done to ensure a clear view of the brand values that make up the brand personality, just like the values and beliefs that make up a person.
Possibly one of the top companies in terms of brand positioning is Coca-Cola. Coca-Cola has used this affinity between the brand and the consumer to lead to a higher degree of loyalty for the brand. Consumers with this high loyalty will evidently chose Coca-Cola over any other beverage ex. Pepsi, Sprite. Furthermore, they have succeeded in creating the right image for the company. This image that drinking Coca-Cola will lead to friendship, fun, and happiness has been engraved in consumers mind since they first started watching Coca-Cola commercials. Since most people are not aware of the effects these advertisements have had on us we will continue to choose Coca-Cola products since they seem best fit for our expectations. The company has succeeded in placing its brand in the consumers mind where it become memorable.