RIM’s Playbook vs Tomorrow’s iPad

Since Apple’s launch of the iPad in April 2010 many companies have been playing catch-up to the corporate giant. Apple’s initial step has allowed other companies such as RIM to forecast more clearly the demand for the Android tablets. Seeing the huge lineups and demand that existed for the iPad other companies have based their operations strategy on the iPad’s demand. What makes RIM’s PlayBook so different from the iPad is that it stands to take market share from Apple in the business world. IT control and monitoring of BlackBerries via BES has been a crown jewel of RIM’s business model and a major selling point to enterprises since it ensures device and data security. This point of differentiation is key to RIM if they will attempt to take over market share from Apple. The choice to target only a certain section of the market is a smart decision since marketing can now focus fully on one specific group of people rather than the entire consumer basis which may prove a less efficient strategy. RIM may seem at a disadvantage momentarily however, since the PlayBook will not be shipping until next year their weakness in relationship to their competition remains to be seen.

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