Nikita Arora's Blog

Aal iz well !

October 9th, 2010 · No Comments

The opening ceremony of the CWG 2010 finally set all critics aside on Sunday.Previously condemned by the World Media for so many alleged reasons,the glorious opening ceremony of the xix CWG in New Delhi had the whole globe showering praise for it.

From widespread allegations of massive corruption to shoddy building techniques to unfir living conditions,the cloud of controversy had hovered over the games for quite a while and had almost called for its cancellation.Infact,several top Indian CWG administrators were fired from their positions,and quite many to have followed.And,matters were certainly not helped by the recent reports of rank squalor in the Athletes’ village and a pedestrian bridge collapse at Jawahar lal Nehru Stadium.

But as they say,’All is well,that ends well !’ (Although,in India’s case, All is well,that started well !).And,despite the international clamour,the media houses across the world hailed Delhi’s effort and enjoyed the dazzling ceremony.

“India has arrived’ – this summed up the international media comments on the 2 hour cultural extravaganza that unfolded at Jawaharlal Nehru stadium. ‘The Guardian’ newspaper said it was a moment of natioanl pride for India,which had drawn flak for the troubled build-up to the games.

‘At exactly 2 minutes past 7 tongiht,a huge inflatable blimp rose slowly and smoothly into the hot air above Delhi’s JLN Stadium to the sound of  hundreds of traditional drums,pipes and conch shells,and the cheers of 65,000 people,’ it added.

‘The Daily Telegraph’ marvelled at how smoothly the ceremony was conducted after all the organisational goof-ups that marred its run up.’No collapsing scenery or malfunctioning sound system.No fluffed lines,bothced choreography or missed cues and not even a single stray dog in sight (!). The preparations for the xix CWG may have been an unmitigated disaster,but India certainly knows how to put up on a show,’ it said.”It even managed to start on time,to the very second,proving that there aresome deadlines that games’ organisers are capable of meeting”,the newspaper said taking a dig at the missed venue-completion deadlines that threatened to derail the games at one stage.

The other newspapers were also effusive in their praise for an indeed superb show that India put up.Infact,it was one perfect combination; perfect timing,perfect match,..and perfect everything ! Even the much hyped criticism,in my opinion, proved to have helped the games as the shame turned out to be a blessing !

 With 50,000 securitymen on duty to celebrate 5,000 years of Indian culture,by a supreme performance by 6,000 artists for 71 commonwealth nations;India delivered an absolutely priceless show !

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