Attractive and Fat


Abercrombie & Fitch is a clothing brand known for providing stylish clothes to teenagers and young adults. The company has always been associated with scandals regarding the looks of the people who shop and work in its stores. The companies’ CEO Mike Jeffries however when overboard and publicly announced that the brand is focusing on targeting only the cool and popular kids. The CEO also mentioned that fat and non-popular kids should not be allowed in the stores. This was also evident by the companies’ action to not produce clothes larger then size 10.

Jes Baker, who is a size 22, was typically disturbed by the way A&F treats its customers. He believed that the company is not being ethical by being discriminant towards oversized customers and employees, so he changed the brands logo to Attractive & Fat. By doing so he was able to associates and attracts the attention of others and is able to mock the Abercrombie & Fitch brand as well as create awareness.

Personally I believe A&F are not being ethical when it comes to market only certain types of people due to the discriminating nature of their marketing strategy, however I also understand that by being discriminant to “non-popular kids” as quoted by the brands CEO, the company is able to attract other customers who share the same thoughts as him and therefor build exclusionary brand image.

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