The Consumerism of Single’s Day


On November 11 each year, China celebrates Single’s Day. It is a day where products are sold at half price on almost all major e-commerce websites. It is a day when single and not single customers go crazy to buy as much as possible. Only 6 minutes after midnight for example, $164 million was spent on, China’s Amazon and eBay mixed into one.

Having such huge sales on the internet can sometimes have its limitations. Due to the enormous wave of customers, the webpages were quickly getting blocked and customers throughout the day had to stay on the webpages refreshing and waiting for the right time to purchase their product. For some customers this proved to be very frustrating and despite the good deal they were willing to give up and not buy the products.This shows some of the limited cases where customers just have to click few buttons and they would pay their money, however the sellers were not allowing them to do so. However it can also be argued that if it was that easy to get 50% off then everyone would do it. At the end of the day most of the people ended up being happy since customers who managed to buy 50% off they were satisfied as well as the sellers who now had huge revenue streams formed in just one day.


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