Virgin America Just Launched the Sassiest Safety Video You’ve Ever Seen

When the flight’s safety video comes on, usually people do anything but watch the video. That is the reason why Virgin America Airline Group has launched its new video in the hope of getting people to watch and pay attention to the safety tips provided. Having a video of that sort however can both have its positive and negative aspects.

Yes the video is entertaining and if I was a customer on board that airline I would most defiantly pay more attention to the safety tips provided. Th reason for that is because the video is catchy and intertwining, which I think does not occur often on other onboard safety video. However the video can also have its negative sides. People watching the video might miss out on the idea of why the video is there in the first place. They might take the video as more of an entertainment rather then paying attention to its tips.

Overall however I believe that the video done by Virgin America is interesting to both grasp the customers attention, whilst at the same time focusing on portraying the message about the safety tips on board of an airline.

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