CCTV Reports Starbucks Prices Higher in China

Chinese National Television has recently released a survey that it did. In it it discover that the prices of Starbucks beverages in China are higher than anywhere else in the world. For example any Starbucks store in China would sell a 354ml Latte for 27RMB, while a store in London for example would sell the same coffee for 24RMB. This difference has gotten many customers upset due to the price discrimination Starbucks shows. However many of them are still willing to buy the coffee.

Starbucks at this moment has no plans of bringing the price down. The reason for that is because the company has a strong image and is popular worldwide. The company also has no competition from the local coffee shops in China since they are not as “westernized” as Starbucks. At the end of the day it does not matter how much the population hates the price discrimination they would still buy coffee from Starbucks since its cool and “western”,  which is something the Chinese customers would do anything and pay anything to be a part of.


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