YouTube Millionaire.

Following a lawsuit from Viacom in 2007 over the distribution of copyright material that was being uploaded by users, Youtube has increasingly shifted its focus from television and film to independent content producers. This was a smart move for YouTube who soon found that it was unable to compete with the likes of Hulu, but the launch of their partnership program has also meant the beginning of a new kind of entrepreneur.

A legion of profesional YouTubers, who vary in content from comedy sketches to news and vlogs, are now being paid hundreds of thousands for the views they receive on their videos. Though no one has yet reached an income of a million for YouTube, a viewership of over a million subscribers is no longer an uncome milestone. Content producers are now expanding to create their own production studios that focus specifically on the YouTube demographic as the site continues to grow.

It is unclear whether the ever growing activity on the internet will peak, or whether the shift between conventional television and online video consumption will ever be complete. However, what is clear is that the internet is leading to new ways to make money as a new population focuses their attention online.

(A prominent YouTuber, Philip DeFranco, vlogging about money on YouTube)

Oil and Ethics.

It recently came to light that Alberta energy giant, Talisman Energy, was funnelling money into anti-global warming efforts in the form of anonymous donation to the University of Alberta. In 2004 a $175,00 donation was made to a trust account, with the money going towards PR and lobbying efforts against government regulations that targeted greenhouse gas emissions, which would have hurt the oil companies bottom line.

The activity itself is quite common amongst not only oil companies but any industry that feels itself being threatened by external threats such as regulation or public opinion. Corporations hold it within their right to express their opinions on a topic, even if they are bias, shown most recently in the US where the Supreme Court ruled in favour of corporations in the Citizens United case allowing unlimited funding towards independent political statements.

Corporations are people,” however, where people would act openly in their support of a cause, Talisman Energy acted in secret and the information was not made public until quite recently. Talisman knew that it was not favourable for their image to openly try and influence regulations and public opinion about global warming, however by acting in secret they went against their ethical responsibility towards not only their costumers but the general public.

Source: The Province, Oil giant kick-started climate skeptics project.