Ze Frank

Where the internet meets internet and then real life: Part 2.

Success is a term that is forever being defined and redefined by an ever changing world. Ze Frank created an entirely different category of success.

In 2001, in preparation for his birthday Ze created a How to Dance Properly guide, which was featured on his site. What started out as a joke grew to into millions of hits and the beginning of a different kind of internet. Before the popularization or even creation of sites such as Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr and Youtube, Ze Frank was creating the basis of personal internet connections. Small projects that targeted peoples day to day frustrations, internet experiments and comedic videos, Ze was able to take advantage of the accessibility to large numbers of people that the internet provides while maintaining the personal connections and loyalty of a conventional business. Unlike the rest of the internet, he wasn’t selling a product or filled with advertisement, which made him appeal to a larger audience. What Ze was doing was not essential to the processes and outcomes of peoples lives and yet he was able to engage an audience of great magnitude.

Ze Frank inspired a generation of internet content producers and along the way became successful at doing so. Without normal conventions or a nine to five job, Ze Frank inspired success.

“For me, experimentation is not about the technology. In an ever-changing technological landscape, where today’s platforms are not tomorrow’s platforms, the key seems to be that any one of these spaces can use a dose of humanity and art and culture.” -Ze Frank

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