Elections 2012:

Let the best least awful candidate win the race.

    With 42 days left until the American election, it seems clear that the defining issues for average Americans are going to be the economy, national security, social issues and whether the Democrats or Republicans are truly the reincarnation of Satin himself and responsible for destroying the American dream. Although one would assume that with so little time left for each candidate to sway crucial votes in swing states, platform and policy issues would consume most of the political debate, the candidates campaigns would clearly disagree. Rhetoric based in exaggeration and misinformation, and negative campaign ads that consistently outspend their positive counterpart by nearly 80%, the race has become a choice between the better of two evils.

    However, this may be due to the political environment and population more than the candidates themselves. What has quickly become the most polarized US election means that the target for campaigns and their marketing strategies is no longer to sway independents. Most voters have already decided who they are going to vote for, the true obstacle now lies in increasing the voter turnout for those whom you have already swayed.

    Hope is no longer the answer to discontent, fear has replace it wholeheartedly. Whether that is good for the American people or not has yet to be seen, but if the two campaigns are right then we are surly headed for totally annihilation.