PR: When it Becomes the Entire Person

    Celebrities are always an interesting topic of discussion when it comes to their marketing because, at a fundamental level, their value is the perceived benefit or association they portray. However, though most celebrities have their every word planned and memorized – except for a few horrible missteps – this is truer for no other market than young teens.

    I believe that this is in large part another aspect of the sharp division we have seen in most aspect of our society and culture. People are moving farther and farther away from what we used to consider normal and generally centre towards extreme ends of the spectrum. Teens are now either extremely censored and protected, hardly reflection any of the hardships that teenagers and young adults might face – other than obviously heartache – or partaking in drinking, drugs and other inappropriate behaviours. People have become simultaneously oversensitive and desensitized to what we now consider entertainment in the form of celebrities day-to-day lives.

   As a result, we see cases of celebrities who are made or broken based on their ‘image’ and ability to successfully control their public relations. Whether this controlled reality that we hold to such great standards is beneficially to the young teens who follow the every move of these celebrities is extremely questionable, but the culture to do so has clearly become an unmoving portion of their lives.

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