Taking Ourselves Over the Edge

An attempt at appearing to not cause harm for the sake of public opinion causing harm.

    It’s nearly December, which means that there are 31 days left before the Americans fall head first into a self incude economic depression. Nothing could seem worse, people and business would all suffer under such conditions, and yet there are some who are reluctant to make the necessary changes.

   Today part of a budget was put forward, which depicted the necessary revenue increases that would be required as part of a comprehensive plan. The included a simplification of the tax code by eliminating loopholes and deduction to increase overall revenue without dramatic increases in the tax rates themselves. However, for any budget to be effective there need to be not only revenue increases but cuts in heavy and bloated government benefits – there needs to be entitlement reform.

   Herein lies the issue facing Washington today; no one wants to be responsible for cuts to programs that directly benefit the lives of voters, however necessary they may be. Though such actions have been in the platforms of Republicans who ran in the previous election, they happened to also lose the presidential election. Both camps know that this would be perfect ammunition to attack their opponents in this never ending political cycle, positioning the other as in opposition to the middle class, and therefore unable to compromise. Failure to do so will ultimately result in greater turmoil, so hopefully both sides will make a deal and stop causing harm in an attempt at appearing to not cause harm.

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