Maker Studios

Maker Studios Founders

Where the internet meets internet and then real life, Part 3.

Though YouTube has enjoyed a large increase in its viewership during the past few years, it has failed to reach a level even close to that of television and many doubt that is has the capability to so. However, a few young and successful stars have crossed the boundary and taken the next step in obtaining a quality and level of production that could rival even that of televisions.

However, making that leap with a somewhat unstable platform such as YouTube had never been done before and the founders of Maker Studios showed what I believe to be the key entrepreneurial qualities when they started their company.

Entrepreneurs in their essences are problem solvers. They look at a function or servers and identify any issues associated with it. They then take a risk by coming up with a new and unique solution for the issue they have identified and by doing so improve and propel the market forward.

Maker Studios saw a number of talented and hard working artists, each with their own camer and equipment, and working out of their homes, garages, and basements. An efficient and resources consuming process. They understood that by uniting these YouTubers, their collective power would not only raise their level of production and output, but also fuel their creativity, exposure and viewership. They are part of the growing mass of entrepreneurs on the internet.

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