Term 1 reflection

In term one of ASTU, the academic world opened to me, which has allowed me to expand my knowledge of various forms of writing and research. In the first module or so, we learned about academic integrity. This topic continued through the following weeks in assignments. The first few weeks helped me transition from the traditional way of writing papers in high school to a more academic/research style. Through writing activities in ASTU, such as the literature review, I adjusted to not using the generic essay format. Instead, I structured my writing in a way that made the most sense for what I was writing about. This way of writing aided me later in writing papers for other classes. What I learned included a lot of referencing, something I did not do much of in high school papers. I can now better analyze literature, extracting the various themes and topics, which got expanded and applied to other relevant course material. A goal I have for myself in the second term is to further the connection between what I see in literature and deepen the meaning of what is apparent in the texts. I hope to do this by taking more time to analyze and brainstorm my ideas. I also hope to bring the skills I have acquired from the close reading and literature review assignment into future work in ASTU.

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