prompt #5

Conceptual poetry is a genre of writing I was previously not very familiar with. I typically do not read much poetry on my own time, so everything I have read previously was in secondary school. The pieces I read back then were consistent throughout the years and I wouldn’t say anything I came across was that ‘surprising.’ However, while reading Injun I found myself more engaged while reading. I was surprised by the way the style of writing changed and morphed as I continued to flip through the pages. Seeing the seemingly ‘perfect’ couplets in the first few pages fall apart is something I found appealing because it is not something I would expect to see in a book of poetry, as it is unlike any I have read before. Although I found it interesting, I cannot say that I love it, and although each page becoming more disorganized had a purpose of its own with a significant meaning behind it, I found it to be a more difficult style of poetry to read. Conceptual poetry reminds me of collages. Injun samples various pieces of work by different writers, much like a collage would. Collages take those separate pieces of work and create one new whole with a new meaning behind it.

One comment

  1. Hi Nina, great comparison of conceptual poetry to a collage. I totally agree.

    I also appreciate that you can acknowledge that Injun is a difficult type of poetry to read – the honestly is appreciated, because it is! but I’m glad to hear you’re making the effort to understand the significance of each page!

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