
ENGL 301 99A is a distance learning course that focuses on written and online communications within a professional or business setting. Examples of communications studied include reports, abstracts, emails, networking and more. Students will create their own website and a LinkedIn profile, among other tools to strengthen their career searches.

ENGL 301 is intended for students in many disciplines except for those in English (and those minoring in English). In order to take this course, students must have at least six credits of First-Year English, Arts One, or Foundations. The course’s format is asynchronous; therefore, students do not have to engage in content with a fixed schedule. All a student needs is a computer and internet access, as the course is entirely online. All course content is prepared and taught by Dr. Erika Paterson, an instructor at UBC’s Department of English.

The distance learning course is composed of four units, with each unit having three lessons, one lesson per week. Also, Dr. Paterson has incorporated group work into the course, allowing for collaborative learning and more. Discussion forums, including The Canvas Chat, The Writing Team Forum, and The Instructor’s weekly Blog, will be used to articulate course content, offer help, work with others, and update students with new information. 

My expectations for the course are motivating. I always enjoy a challenge, and the fully online format of this course allows me to push myself in a new way. In addition, I acknowledge that I have doubts about how the course will go, as I have not yet communicated with other students enrolled in the class. Although the course does not include lectures, is blog-based, and heavily utilizes the textbook, I am eager to learn as much as possible and apply the acquired knowledge in my everyday life.