Unit 3 Reflections

The formal report has been the most challenging aspect of the ENGL 301 course. Although this unit involved some hurdles, I have been navigating them with the help of those peer-reviewing my article, along with additional support from Professor Paterson.

Researching my report draft appeared simple at first. After I had researched my topic, I noticed that prior research had already been gathered by UBC. I used this second-hand research instead of searching for articles based on other countries’ learning systems or points in time (which result in different recommendations). Also, my desired number of survey participants was not met by my preferred date. To make matters worse, my professor and teaching assistant, whom I had specific questions for, were not responding to my emails. Overall, the variation and lack of (some) research documented on my topic were significant, thus making it hard for me to provide concrete guidance.

The organization of the report appeared easy until I realized that I had put excessive amounts of detail into my outline. As a result, I had to reduce the number of headings and focus my report on what mattered most.

Writing my formal report was difficult. I struggled to output ideas. Once I began receiving numerous answers to my survey questions, I confidently explained what the participants wanted and why. Also, without my professor and teaching assistant’s inputs, I lost some hope. Luckily, I tried to make due by stating that the information from my professor was upcoming and decided to analyze and make recommendations without it.

Ultimately, my learning experience with the formal report draft was precious. I learned that I should have planned and consulted my professor (or anyone else I decided to receive primary data from) many weeks before I wrote any type of report. Additionally, I learned to plan my outline considering the number of pages, allowing my content to be streamlined. In conclusion, I should have provided myself more time to focus and think about my report and what small steps need to be taken during its creation.

Formal Report Draft

Unit 2 Reflections

Unit two provided me with a variety of assignments. The unit included a LinkedIn-related memo and multiple formal report tasks. A peer review, outline, and proposal were all completed for the formal report. All assignments were posted on the Team Forum and are available to be viewed by all. I have explained my unit two assignments below in-depth.

The research process to create a Linkedin profile was simple. I had already created a LinkedIn profile over three years ago; overall, I refreshed my memory. Sites with relevant information were easy to locate, and the steps to create a compelling LinkedIn profile were straightforward. I feel confident if I were to re-create or expand my social network, as I have experience in both social network creation and relating career accolades. The most important aspect to remember is to remain professional and involved on LinkedIn (specifically in comments and content creation or sharing).

My brainstorming process for the formal report was easy because I had an idea that I was passionate about, which quickly came to my knowledge. On the contrary, my preparation seemed more complex, as I had to go into great detail about the impact of my report, along with how the impact will be made. Fortunately, the peer reviews I received made it possible to narrow my scope and make my proposal and outline more effective. My progress with the report is mediocre, as I have doubts about the topic and whether I will write enough about it. After consulting my peers, I have decided to proceed without any topic changes. Although I am somewhat confident, a consultation would be beneficial.

After I had peer-reviewed my partner’s proposal, I learned that my partner had focused her report’s goal, unlike me. It also allowed me to help her improve some aspects of her proposal (mostly small grammar and readability errors), which I later reviewed to ensure I did not make the same mistakes.  Ultimately, reading my team’s forum has prepared me for future memos, as I observe teammates’ format, tone, intent, and word usage, thus giving me the tools to improve my own work. Also, I have been surprised by the work of team members, as the majority of them are better writers than myself. Peer reviewing has positively impacted my writing ability since my formatting of assignments has improved. I would strongly recommend peer reviewing as a key factor in unit two.

Encl. Revised Report Proposal

Encl. Peer Review of Proposal

Encl. Formal Report Outline


Reflection Blog

The original three definitions assignment displayed my lack of memory of first-year micro and macroeconomics. I had a general idea of defining hyperinflation, but research was required for specifics in the expanded definition. Additionally, the readability of my definitions had to be remembered, as my audience was business customers who were not well versed in economics. While I wrote, I considered the current situation in the country where my audience lives (Zimbabwe). This consideration can be seen primarily in the expanded definition (when I elaborated upon protecting oneself financially from hyperinflation).

The peer review of my article was insightful. Phillip noticed many of the flaws (some of which I realized after publishing my post) and was able to communicate them to me in a constructive manner. I missed a number of key instructions including at least one image and proper referencing, which are crucial. I learned that I must read the assignment instructions carefully and adhere to the guidelines. Phillip also informed me that I could improve upon my depth of definitions, specifically my sentence and expanded definitions. He allowed me to realize that even business consumers may not understand certain terminology or business jargon; after recognizing the ambiguity in my audience description, I knew I had to add detail to it.

After I received feedback from Philip, the editing process was straightforward. I added explanations to business situations that I had mentioned in my expanded definition, moved sentences around to improve the order for the reader, improved my in-text citations, and added an image. Phillip provided the perspective of someone who was unfamiliar with business terms, which allowed me to make adjustments to each business-like statement for improved understanding and simplicity. Overall, the feedback I received was from a well-versed writer who has made me a better writer throughout this assignment.

Peer Review of Three Definitions of Hyperinflation

Revised Definition of Hyperinflation

Emails to Team Members

Dear Sidney,
Thank you for your email.
Ms. Salamanca is more than welcome in our group.
Noah Saini
Hi Jenny,
My name is Noah, and I am a student in your ENGL 301 course this term. I have read your application letter and believe that you are an excellent fit for our writing team.
After reviewing your application, I noticed several factors that complement our team. You have extensive writing and team-based experience, especially in digital settings. Also, you are a committed and hardworking individual, as per the rest of the team.
I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope you can be a great addition to our team. For your reference, I have attached my letter of application below.
Noah Saini
Dear Sidney,
My name is Noah, and I am in your ENGL 301 course this semester. After reading your letter of application, I think you would be an excellent addition to my writing team.
The experience you have with creative and technical writing will complement my team immensely. I have taken numerous writing courses but never a creative writing class. Also, you have extensive knowledge and experience with distance learning courses, which is another valued strength. The strong suits that you bring to our team will help us achieve high marks overall.
I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope you can consider this offer. I have attached my application letter for your convenience.
Noah Saini

Email Memorandum

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor of ENGL 301, University of British Columbia
From: Noah Saini, ENGL 301 Student
Date: September 20, 2021
Subject: ENGL 301 Letter of Application

Please acknowledge that this is an update and summary of my application letter. My application letter was posted in my blog.

My Letter of Application includes:

  • My interest in joining a writing team
  • My qualifications relating to the role
  • Personal interests and work habits

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.

Encl. ENGL 301 Application Letter Assignment





Writing Team Letter of Application

390 Balfour Drive
Coquitlam, BC V3K6C5

September 20th, 2021


English 301: Technical Writing
University of British Columbia
2329 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z4


Dear ENGL 301 Colleagues:


Please consider my application to find a hardworking writing team for ENGL 301 this term. I am a third-year student in the Faculty of Management at UBC Okanagan and focus on project and HR management. I plan to graduate by December 2022, and succeeding in this course, like many others, brings me one step closer to a degree.


Over the last two years, I have worked in settings to strengthen my career portfolio with extensive team building, project delivery, technical writing, and administration skills. My current place of work is Bell Telecommunications, where I work as a sales consultant. At Bell, I work alongside customers of all backgrounds, ages, and needs. The job allows me to problem solve and think critically while articulating sales pitches in numerous ways. Physical interactions with customers is common, but I also largely use forms of digital communication forms. Additionally, my sales team and I coordinate and assist each other to maximize sales and ensure positive workplace culture.


University has been a welcomed uphill battle, and throughout the experience, I have furthered my passion for volunteering. I enjoy coordinating projects and experiences for others, including Project Literacy and the Management Student Association, each providing me opportunities such as literacy tutor and sponsorship director. Both roles expanded my network and improved my communication skills.


Writing and teamwork are some of my strong suits. I consistently communicate with a diverse group of people for school, work, and pleasure. COVID-19 has changed the dynamic of post-secondary learning; fortunately, I have adapted and challenged myself by working, attending school, and volunteering this term. My determination, skills, and experience make me an outstanding candidate for teams wanting the most out of this course.


I appreciate your kind reading and consideration of my application and look forward to speaking with you sometime at your convenience. Please feel welcome to contact me at noahsaini@live.ca should you have any questions.



Noah Saini

Encl. ENGL 301 Application Letter Assignment