My name is Noah Saini, and I am a third-year management student at UBC’s Okanagan Campus. I plan to follow in my dad’s footsteps to become a project manager or pursue a path of HR management. Project and HR management are both interests of mine, as they require strong teambuilding, managerial, and project execution skills, in addition to the networking and problem-solving skills, all of which I hold.

Before studying management at UBCO, I was a student at Douglas College focusing on accounting. Unfortunately, accounting did not suit me because of its social isolation and uninspiring work. My choice to transfer to UBCO stemmed from my drive to strive for better and push myself for the program and learning environment I had always wanted.

I tend to have a variety of professional interests. I enjoy giving back to my community; at UBCO, I volunteer for the Management Student Association (MSA) as their Sponsorship Director and plan on returning to Alumni UBCO’s Student Legacy Project for the 2021/22 school year. The work I do with the MSA is constantly improving my networking, interpersonal, communication, and proposal skills. Outside of school, I volunteer for the Canadian Cancer Society. Overall, I enjoy donating my time to support those in need. It must be noted that I am very passionate about mental health, so I would like to work in an environment that supports the important topic.

My optimal career includes working in either the technology or education industry; each industry provides me with the opportunity to create real change in both the workplace and in the lives of others. In addition, I worked with kids in the past (as a tutor and assistant), thus causing me to appreciate the education industry. The majority of managerial jobs at top firms are competitive, but I enjoy competition.