Peer Review of a Formal Report

To: Lea Ang Salamanca, ENGL 301 Team Potluck Member

From: Noah Saini, ENGL 301 Student Reviewer

Date: November 19, 2021

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Proposal: A Marketing Research and Comparative Packaging Report for Glacier Greens Farms

Dear Lea,

The formal report draft you provided is a pleasure to read. It is very informative and helpful in understanding what hydroponic farms can do.

First Impressions

  • Extensive primary and secondary research exists to ensure the report’s accuracy.
  • The general formatting is good, but some adjustments could be made for the main title, as it is distorted.
  • Lists could be placed in more suitable locations, as some are in areas with no supporting details
  • Headings and subheadings allow readers to quickly understand where information is


The abstract effectively summarizes the critical points throughout the report.


The background paragraph of Glacier Greens Farms is thorough. It is important to include the definition of hydroponic farming, particularly with its own heading. Also, the list of price recommendations fits a later section of the report. Lastly, the statement of the problem, need, purpose, and scope are successful in achieving their goal.


The overview of data sources is concise and thorough. There is one small formatting error with the provided link that needs to be addressed. This issue can be addressed by changing the placement of the link, for example, at the end of the paragraph.

Data Section

All in all, the data section is well written and provides more than ample evidence to support the topics of concern.

The survey information is used effectively and explained in a comprehensible way. Additionally, the mentioning of demographics is helpful for the reader. Another important note is that spelling errors exist and that table one lists the wrong question numbers as a title.

Overall, the tables display the relevant survey data. The layout of the tables can be improved to allow readers to understand easily. Although table two is cut off as it is longer than the page itself. Minor formatting errors can be fixed without much effort.

The key findings and recommendations are executed well. Using bullet points in the recommendation section can help the reader, but it is unnecessary.


The conclusion in the report is detailed and lists relevant information to summarize the findings and list appendices.

Having two recommendations sections in separate parts of the paper can be cumbersome to read. On the contrary, both recommendations are good and can be summarized into a single recommendation section.

Referencing and relating items are done appropriately.

Final Tips

To reiterate, below are a few suggestions to enhance the formal report.

  • It is essential to edit out simple spelling and formatting errors
    • An example from the report is the number 2 is written as a number and should be a word
  • Links and tables can be placed in areas that make them visually pleasing to see
  • Sentences can be shortened and broken apart to make the message effective


The submitted formal report draft is completed to a high level and confirms the rationale behind the recommendations above. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to contact me at

Lea Ang Salamanca- Formal Report Draft

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