Progress Report with Survey


To:                  Dr. Erika Paterson, English professor at the University of British Columbia

From:              Noah Saini, Student of ENGL 301

Date:               October 29, 2021

Subject:          Progress Memo for Formal Report on Improving the Accessibility of Hybrid Learning at UBC’s Campuses

Dear Dr. Erika Paterson,

Intended Audience

The progress report is intended for the Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) of UBCO, Dr. Leslie Cormack.

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to evaluate the feasibility of improving the scope of the hybrid learning format across UBC Okanagan and possibly UBC Vancouver. The report will investigate how current students and faculty feel about hybrid, fully online, and in-person learning at UBCO. After reviewing student and faculty outlooks, the report will identify hindrances and make recommendations to provide students with the best accessibility to learning at UBC. Since hybrid learning provides all students with a similar learning experience, students near UBC and afar can have comfort in choosing whether to attend classes in person or not.

Research Process

  • Create a survey for students in my MGMT 442 course (where hybrid learning takes place). The survey will allow me to understand how current hybrid learning students feel about their class’ format.
  • Understand how students learning in a hybrid setting feel about expanding the hybrid learning concept to other courses. My goal is to receive 40 completed surveys and visually display the results.
  • Interview my MGMT 442 professor to ask him questions about how the online, hybrid and in-person learning platforms compare from his point of view. The professor’s view will provide insight into what most faculty feel about the learning differences.
  • Review research articles on hybrid,  fully online, and in-person learning. I will learn about the upsides and downfalls of each learning method to provide an array of recommendations.

My formal proposal work schedule is below:

  • Nov. 1: Begin sharing the survey for responses
  • Nov. 4: Interview professor
  • Nov. 8: Create visual displays for the survey responses
  • Nov. 10: Research the different types of learning methods
  • Nov. 17: Create a rough draft of the formal report
  • Nov. 26: Complete revisions and submit the final draft of the formal report

My overall timeframe for the formal report has been simplified because my scope was reduced after several proposal revisions. I will be focusing on UBC’s Okanagan campus and only mentioning the possibility of expanding my solution to UBC’s Vancouver campus in the future. If you have any questions or concerns about my report or my survey, please let me know.


Student Survey 

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