Unit 1 Reflection

The original three definitions assignment displayed my lack of memory of first-year micro and macroeconomics. I had a general idea of defining hyperinflation, but research was required for specifics in the expanded definition. Additionally, the readability of my definitions had to be remembered, as my audience was business customers who were not well versed in economics. While I wrote, I considered the current situation in the country where my audience lives (Zimbabwe). This consideration can be seen primarily in the expanded definition (when I elaborated upon protecting oneself financially from hyperinflation).

The peer review of my article was insightful. Phillip noticed many of the flaws (some of which I realized after publishing my post) and was able to communicate them to me in a constructive manner. I missed a number of key instructions including at least one image and proper referencing, which are crucial. I learned that I must read the assignment instructions carefully and adhere to the guidelines. Phillip also informed me that I could improve upon my depth of definitions, specifically my sentence and expanded definitions. He allowed me to realize that even business consumers may not understand certain terminology or business jargon; after recognizing the ambiguity in my audience description, I knew I had to add detail to it.

After I received feedback from Philip, the editing process was straightforward. I added explanations to business situations that I had mentioned in my expanded definition, moved sentences around to improve the order for the reader, improved my in-text citations, and added an image. Phillip provided the perspective of someone who was unfamiliar with business terms, which allowed me to make adjustments to each business-like statement for improved understanding and simplicity. Overall, the feedback I received was from a well-versed writer who has made me a better writer throughout this assignment.

Peer Review of Three Definitions of Hyperinflation

Revised Definition of Hyperinflation

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