Unit 2 Reflection

Unit two provided me with a variety of assignments. The unit included a LinkedIn-related memo and multiple formal report tasks. A peer review, outline, and proposal were all completed for the formal report. All assignments were posted on the Team Forum and are available to be viewed by all. I have explained my unit two assignments below in-depth.

The research process to create a Linkedin profile was simple. I had already created a LinkedIn profile over three years ago; overall, I refreshed my memory. Sites with relevant information were easy to locate, and the steps to create a compelling LinkedIn profile were straightforward. I feel confident if I were to re-create or expand my social network, as I have experience in both social network creation and relating career accolades. The most important aspect to remember is to remain professional and involved on LinkedIn (specifically in comments and content creation or sharing).

My brainstorming process for the formal report was easy because I had an idea that I was passionate about, which quickly came to my knowledge. On the contrary, my preparation seemed more complex, as I had to go into great detail about the impact of my report, along with how the impact will be made. Fortunately, the peer reviews I received made it possible to narrow my scope and make my proposal and outline more effective. My progress with the report is mediocre, as I have doubts about the topic and whether I will write enough about it. After consulting my peers, I have decided to proceed without any topic changes. Although I am somewhat confident, a consultation would be beneficial.

After I had peer-reviewed my partner’s proposal, I learned that my partner had focused her report’s goal, unlike me. It also allowed me to help her improve some aspects of her proposal (mostly small grammar and readability errors), which I later reviewed to ensure I did not make the same mistakes.  Ultimately, reading my team’s forum has prepared me for future memos, as I observe teammates’ format, tone, intent, and word usage, thus giving me the tools to improve my own work. Also, I have been surprised by the work of team members, as the majority of them are better writers than myself. Peer reviewing has positively impacted my writing ability since my formatting of assignments has improved. I would strongly recommend peer reviewing as a key factor in unit two.

Encl. Revised Report Proposal

Encl. Peer Review of Proposal

Encl. Formal Report Outline


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