About Me

Hi there. My name is Noah Saini, and I am a third-year management student at the University of British Columbia – Okanagan Campus (UBCO). I am focusing on project management, as it suits my personality, skills, and experiences. My home has and always will be Vancouver, BC. I grew up in Coquitlam and have lived in the municipality my entire life. After attending Douglas College for three years, uncertain about my future in accounting, I transferred to UBCO to pursue my love of management.

Some of the essential values I hold are my love of education and giving back to the community. After completing my degree, my goal is to pursue a master’s degree at UBC’s Vancouver Campus. I enjoy putting myself in uncomfortable situations during post-secondary education, as it helps me grow as an individual. Through volunteering, donating, advocating, or other means, I always try to provide value to the community that made me who I am today.