Monthly Archives: September 2014

Jimmy Choo IPO: Attractive (and shaky)

Jimmy Choo, one of the world’s leading high brands in the shoe industry, is “going public” as the company officially announced this Tuesday. Its IPO is the first in the high brand shoe industry and gathers wide attention. On the … Continue reading

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Insider Trading: Matthew Martoma

Matthew Martoma, the former portfolio manager at SAC Capital Advisors LP, was sentenced to 9 years in prison for insider trading on September 8, 2014. This is one of the longest sentences given out to “white-collar crimes”, and the severity of … Continue reading

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Cost vs Food Safety

On 9th of February 2013, Aldi, a supermarket, confirmed that some of its frozen beef products contained 30% to 100% horse meat. The incident raises interest in a repeatedly debated topic: cost versus food safety. Aldi’s horse meat issue had … Continue reading

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