Author Archives: Nodoka Hashimoto

The Arc and Social Enterprise: Why Do We Need Them?

“If the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise?” To answer this question, one could think of the United Nations (UN) and social enterprises as firms with the same goal of creating social … Continue reading

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Linking to an External Blog: The Stanford Social Innovation Review

Lately, I have been following blogs written in the Stanford Social Innovation Review. I find this website quite unique and interesting; In contrast to the famed Harvard Business Review, much of its contents are specifically dedicated to news and opinions regarding … Continue reading

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Sauder Alumni: Passion and the Value Proposition

This Tuesday, three Sauder alumni visited our class: Paul Davidescu (Tangoo), Paul Gill (Naked Coconuts), and Jennifer Martin (SIP Soda). I was amazed by the ability of these people to see the world differently, to see opportunities where I never thought … Continue reading

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Food for Thought: Response to Regi’s Blog

A blog post by a fellow classmate, “Building a Business for Making a Better World,” introduced TOMS shoes and defined it as a social enterprise. The author’s criteria was that it is “a for-profit company driven primarily by a social objective.” … Continue reading

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Businesses as Investors in Community

On Tuesday night this week, I was invited to an event called Leadership Café held by the Company of Young Professionals. The guest speaker for the event was the CEO and president of United Way of Lower Mainland, Michael Knight. … Continue reading

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Response to Christopher Powroznik’s Blog

When I first read this blog post, “Company Secrets Hindering Human Technology Progression”, I was convinced that businesses are holding back advancements in technology. It stated that businesses are unwilling to share their newest technology to the public for the fear … Continue reading

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Voices for the Earth: First Nations as Stakeholders

The Supreme Court found in June this year that the First Nations people had title to 1,750 square kilometers of land in western British Columbia. This is a significant turning point in the long struggle between the First Nations and … Continue reading

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Jimmy Choo IPO: Attractive (and shaky)

Jimmy Choo, one of the world’s leading high brands in the shoe industry, is “going public” as the company officially announced this Tuesday. Its IPO is the first in the high brand shoe industry and gathers wide attention. On the … Continue reading

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Insider Trading: Matthew Martoma

Matthew Martoma, the former portfolio manager at SAC Capital Advisors LP, was sentenced to 9 years in prison for insider trading on September 8, 2014. This is one of the longest sentences given out to “white-collar crimes”, and the severity of … Continue reading

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Cost vs Food Safety

On 9th of February 2013, Aldi, a supermarket, confirmed that some of its frozen beef products contained 30% to 100% horse meat. The incident raises interest in a repeatedly debated topic: cost versus food safety. Aldi’s horse meat issue had … Continue reading

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