Journey Through ETEC 540 66B Text Technologies

Task 6- Emoji Story

I briefly considered trying to sound out words like in a game of charades but gave up pretty fast. While there are lots of emoji options, I would need many more beyond faces that depict emotion and more commonplace objects in Western culture to go down that route and work with syllables or words. I described a movie that didn’t have a lot of physical action and was more focused on philosophical conundrums and moral obligation, so it seemed fitting to rely on ideas.

Describing the content and what I would choose to focus on from the plot is where I had flexibility and freedom, but the title was not something that could be changed. For me it made total sense to start there and luckily, this title happened to be brief. I picked this movie because it was the last thing I watched and stood out most in my mind as a compact, standalone story. I completed the synopsis in one sitting, and then came back a day later to write up my reflection. What I did find quite comical is that I had to look over what I’d written a few times before it made perfect sense to me again.

While I think symbols are very powerful and can conjure up complex ideas and emotions, they aren’t universal. An image that has particular meaning in my world because of its cultural significance might carry a very different meaning to somebody else. If 10 classmates where to “read” this emoji story of mine, I would likely have 10 different versions.

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