**Here is the notice for Dr. Downe’s upcoming lecture**
UBC Midwifery is pleased to invite you to join us for the inaugural Elaine Carty Visiting Scholar Public Lecture with Dr. Soo Downe (PhD, RM, OBE, Professor, University of Central Lancashire).
Normalizing Birth: Is the way we do birth bankrupting future generations?
“What has always fascinated me is the sense that the process of childbirth is far more than just getting a baby out. It is something that links us back through all our ancestors, and into the future, and we are all (mother, father, baby) irrevocably marked by it. It is also one of the few experiences left in society which, when undertaken physiologically, is ultimately unpredictable and uncontrollable and, as a consequence, deeply emotional. It takes all those who experience it authentically to the very edge of their capacity to cope, and it says to them, you can do this and if you can do this, you can do anything. Getting it right is therefore profoundly important for the wellbeing of families, and for future generations. While I have always believed this intuitively, recent exciting evidence from epigenetics seems to suggest that there is biological evidence for the impact of labour and birth on way genes might be expressed for the child, and for their adulthood, and then their own children in the future. So, for all these reasons, the normal birth agenda is really important to me.” Dr. Soo Downe
Tuesday, March 10, 2015
CFRI Chan Auditorium, BC Women¹s Hospital
4500 Oak Street, Vancouver
6pm Doors open and reception
7pm Lecture
Please RSVP to Karen Gelb at karen.gelb@midwifery.ubc.ca or 604-822-7998.