Monthly Archives: September 2014

Amazon Doesn’t Turn A Profit

If you google search “amazon profit”, these are the first results that will come up: Why Amazon Won’t Deliver The Profits – Forbes Why Amazon Has No Profits Amazon Never Makes Money But No One Cares Will Amazon ever be … Continue reading

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Nike Does Marketing Right

It helps to have an enormous budget, no doubt, but Nike earns that budget through brilliant marketing. By brilliant, I don’t mean vastly creative. I don’t mean trying to make viral campaigns or anything like that. By brilliant, I mean … Continue reading

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How To Raise $100,000 In 10 Days

In one of my favourite marketing blog posts of all time, the guys behind the 4-hour workweek talk about how they raised $100,000 in 10 days in a kickstarter campaign. If I could sum up how they did it in … Continue reading

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