Consider Twitch Or Fall Behind

There is no online video streaming service quite like Twitch.

With 45 million users per month, a whopping 58% of these users watch more than 20 hours per month. 

That’s 12 billion minutes of watching video per month [source]. If you haven’t considered this opportunity, you’re falling behind. 

Where does the opportunity lie? Quite simply, the biggest difference between YouTube and Twitch is that Twitch users seek live content. When streaming live content, ads are much more effective, as users are eager to see content they would otherwise miss. YouTube on the other hand allows users to catch up at any time, and adblockers significantly reduce the effectivness of ads.

Twitch has more potential for product placement (streamers wearing your company’s t-shirt) and personal recommendations.

People follow streamers they are fond of and trust. Each individual streamer has captured a certain micro-niche of followers they personally like them and trust.

If you can find which niches your target audience is in, you can target them directly and effectively.


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