How To Raise $100,000 In 10 Days

In one of my favourite marketing blog posts of all time, the guys behind the 4-hour workweek talk about how they raised $100,000 in 10 days in a kickstarter campaign.

If I could sum up how they did it in one word: marketing.

They found blogs that would be interested in posting their product (of course, free of charge) and got them all to release it at the same time, building hype.

They made a very high-end classy video of the product.

The kickstarter page was extremely clean.

And the price was reasonable.

They had the 4 P’s absolutely nailed. 

I highly recommend reading through the article. But one thing that stood out to me was a book suggestion they made: The 22 Immutable Laws Of Marketing.

As I looked into it, it appeared that the writers of this book Al Ries and Jack Trout, are considered legends in the field of marketing.

While some reviewers believe the principles of the book are outdated, the bloggers who were able to raise $100,000 in 10 days believe that it provided them with critical insights in terms of how to position their product among the competition.

For $11, I don’t see how anyone could go wrong, and so I have ordered the book. I have previously read their book The 22 Immutable Laws Of Branding.

The principles all seem to be simple, but they seem sound and effective.

The only difficult thing is executing the principles effectively. Almost everyone knows what they have to do. But who will actually do it right?

And therein lies the thrill of being a marketer: of employing both creativity and market research into positioning a product in such a way that will perfectly nail a segment of the market.

I look forward to the challenge.

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