Advanced Facebook Marketing

I want to begin this post by saying that Jon Loomer’s Blog is one the cleanest and nicest looks blogs I have ever seen on the internet.

Maybe it’s the orange. But it’s probably the layout and the clean graphics.

Thankfully, the content is about just as good as the design of the website.

Jon Loomer offers advanced facebook marketing tactics and keeps marketers informed on how Facebook’s algorithm is changing — enormously useful advice in the fast changing world of social media and technology.

For example, Facebook is putting an end to promotional posts. User feedback has suggested that they don’t want to see posts like this, and Facebook listened.

Marketers and Facebook Pages who were blatantly promoting before will find themselves in a pickle, because now the only effective way will either be by a paid advertisement or an effective organic post.

Get your creative hats on, because you’ll need them.

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