Facebook To Rival LinkedIn? Good luck.

Recent news has revealed that a “secret” project, Facebook at Work, is intended to rival LinkedIn.

I have two words for Facebook: Good luck.

LinkedIn has crafted itself a very solid niche in this space already, and has absolutely dominated the market. LinkedIn allows you to separate your business life from your work life, make connections, contact businesses (or look for employees), and make yourself known.

Not only is Facebook extremely late to the game, but Facebook is genuinely viewed as a time-killer, not a productivity giant.

This is a desperate move by Facebook in light of their IPO a few years ago: literally every decision made now is with regards to improving the bottom line and find some way to generate a dollar here or there.

It is affecting the overall Facebook experience negatively. Facebook is seen as a giant that cannot fall, but there is no such thing. It can fall, and if it does, it will fall hard.

Ello will be waiting.

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