Abstracts are due by midnight (Pacific time) on March 1, 2017.
Abstracts should be no more than 1 page in 12 pt. font with 1-inch margins, with an optional second page for references. At the top of the abstract, please put: the title of the paper, author name(s) and affiliation(s), and author e-mail address. Submissions should be in .pdf format; please ensure that all phonetic fonts are embedded (if relevant).
To submit your abstract, send it as an attachment to the conference organizers at nowphon2017@gmail.com. In your email please specify the following:
- Your name and department and university affiliation
- The names of your coauthors (if submitting co-authored work) and their department and university affiliations
- Whether you are undergraduate, graduate, post-doc, or faculty
- Preferred method of presentation: oral presentation, poster presentation, or either
We will attempt to provide everyone with their preferred presentation format but the number of oral presentation slots will be limited, as there will not be parallel sessions.
Notification of acceptances and scheduling will be issued on March 15, 2017. Please direct any questions to nowphon2017@gmail.com.