Article “Chunks”

Chunking of Articles

Select 2 or 3 “chunks” (quotations) which you find defining, intriguing, enlightening, meaningful or puzzling. Copy the quote and write a brief explanation of why that chunk was chosen. Enter the quotes and reference fully so you may draw from your e-folio in the future.

Module A

The data gathered from both schools confirm at least two of the reasons commonly offered for limited and infrequent computer use in classrooms and maintenance of teacher-centered instructional practices. First, teachers do not have the time to find and evaluate software. Second, computer and software training was seldom offered at convenient times. Although there were many district opportunities and on-site sessions to learn general computer skills, the generic training available was irrelevant to teachers’ specific needs. (Cuban, Kirkpatrick, & Peck, 2001)

This chunk was selected for Module A because I found it interesting that the concerns of teachers in 2001 are ones that still persist in 2017. Here we are sixteen years later and teachers want to learn and want to incorporate technology into their classrooms, but find the time to learn and limited professional development opportunities still exist. This reading, along with my teacher interview, helped to shape my Framing the Issues paper – “ Supporting Teachers in Technology Integration”. As a new administrator, and one with an interest in educational technology (and doing my Masters in it!), I would like to be as informed as I can be in what is holding teachers back. How will I, in my role, be able to assist teachers to find the time to learn and make sure that the opportunities available to them are relevant and meaningful?

Module B

“Our first major finding is that one can successfully teach sophisticated, inquiry-based science in urban schools. We found that research-based science classes create a climate in which students of widely varying backgrounds and levels of academic achievement can be actively engaged in their research and participate fully in the classroom community” (White & Frederiksen, 1998).

I selected this chunk from our Module B readings because it provided meaning for why we are doing what we are doing. This research showed that inquiry based learning could assist all children in making meaning, even those that are at a disadvantage. In fact, this study showed that learning inquiry is particularly effective in meeting the needs of educationally disadvantaged students and gender differences. Results also pointed to inquiry and reflection based assessment should be taught early. These results are incredibly hopeful for utilizing inquiry based educational technology with our students.


Cuban, L., Kirkpatrick, H., & Peck, C. (2001). High Access and Low Use of Technologies in High School Classrooms: Explaining an Apparent Paradox.
American Educational Research Journal, 38 (4) 813-834.

White, B. Y. & Frederiksen, J.R. (1998) Inquiry, Modeling, and Metacognition: Making Science Accessible to All Students. Cognition and Instruction, 16(1), 3-118.

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