Auto e-graphy


To begin our journey we were asked to look at some of our earliest experiences with technology. I had some experiences with technology, but I was so involved with sports that I really wasn’t too interested. In school Carmen San Diego and Oregon Trail were a novelty, but Typing Tutor was something I actually found useful. However, I digress…. here is my Auto e-graphy….

Thinking back, way back, I recall making the trek down the elementary school hall to the “computer lab”. Initially I was excited to get the opportunity to go to the computer lab and “play” a variety of educational games. However, the grayness of the “machines” and keyboards, the bland countertops, the stark fluorescent lighting, and uncomfortable wood stacking chairs (that gave us slivers) is still engrained in my mind. This original “lab” design stands in contrast to how we present technology to our students today (thankfully). I believe that part of the reason I was never interested in technology back then was that it was just so….bland. While my brother enjoyed the first Nintendo Gameboy and console, the shades of gray plastic (and the technology encased within) never appealed to me. Perhaps I’m just a sucker for marketing.






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