Module A

Welcome to Module A of my ETEC 533 e-folio! Here you will find my thoughts, feelings, reflections, and assignments related to this Module.

The Learning Objectives for Module A were:

  • participate in building an on-line community;
  • start thinking about your “Legacy of Learning” final assignment in the course and for those who select the e-folio option, begin to document the process and context of your learning within an e-folio in this module;
  • examine personal assumptions that underlie the use of digital technology for teaching and learning math and science;
  • analyze literature on conceptual understanding and examine a common misconception of your choice in math or science;
  • locate and frame issues related to the use of digital technology for teaching and learning math and science, and
  • examine scholarly evidence and opinion to challenge, situate, extend and/or support framed issues, and employ these resources to develop ideas even further for the Framing Issues Assignment.

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