Module B

Welcome to Module B of my ETEC 533 e-folio. During this Module we had the opportunity to explore a variety of Technology Enhanced Learning Environments (TELE) which afford me the opportunity to try these hands-on learning experiences for myself.

Some takeaways from this Module:

  • I have been missing out! The variety of experiences students can have using TELEs are incredible. The ability to personalize the TELE to suit your grade level or content area
  • All of these TELEs address TPCK
  • Some of the TELEs require more “work” to implement or front-load, for example, the JASPER series is now outdated, but would be an amazing opportunity if it was re-worked using the new curriculum and perhaps even personalized for the school/district it was being used in

The Learning Objectives for Module B were:

By the end of this module, you will be able to:

  • Develop an awareness of the implications design, writ large, has for students, teaching practice, curriculum development, and educational contexts, through the historical analyses of foundational technology-enhanced learning experiences (TELEs) in science and math.
  • Synthesize rationales for the design of these TELE, drawing upon theories of learning.
  • Hypothesize the cognitive and social affordances of these TELE.
  • Analyze how the technologies introduced in this module are integrated in a learning environment, paying particular attention to the nature of student activities and the role of the teachers.

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