Inquiry e-folio Question – Embodied Learning

Question: According to Resnick and Wilensky (1998), while role playing activities have been commonly used in social studies classrooms, they have been infrequently used in science and mathematics classrooms. Speculate on why role playing activities may not be promoted in math and science and elaborate on your opinion on whether activities such as role playing should be promoted. Draw upon direct quotations from embodied learning theories and research in your response.

    Role playing activities in the social studies classroom still remain vivid in my mind, even though it has been many years since I last participated in one. The Medieval Faire with its pomp and circumstance, participating in duels, the costumes, and the placement of students at the feast according to caste is something that is still engrained. Social studies provides a natural fit for role play as history provides relationships and dynamics that lend themselves to this type of activity (Resnick & Wilensky, 1998). Even in English, when reading novels, poetry, or short stories, we are able to identify with characters and their circumstances when we put ourselves in their shoes. Role playing activities connect the brain and the body and should be promoted in other academic areas.


The Math/Science Curriculum Itself – Perhaps Not a Natural Fit?

     Math and science are a little trickier. Asking teachers to have students “embody” a math concept would likely elicit a good chuckle – until those teachers have an understanding of embodiment learning and mind-body benefit to their students. Even still, “Scie-matics” does prove a bit more challenging and requires some creativity to pull this off. However, as we can see in Jarrett (1997) creatively establishing role-playing situations and centers is one way to make embodied learning fit – and can be adapted to a variety of grade levels or ages. Jarrett suggests a variety of items that can made available for students to use in centers such as traditional “doctor’s office” lab coats and x-rays. This is more of a primary focussed “dress up” center. However, providing students with the proper tools, such as lab coats, goggles, stethoscopes, real x-rays, model of skeletons, etc. even at a middle school age allow students to become involved in learning through play. When conducting a series of math lessons for my grade 7 students, I set up a grocery store similar to what Jarrett describes. Students went “shopping” and had to total their purchases, calculate savings with coupons and “club cards”, figure out taxable items and many other mathematical components and transactions. Students had a lot of fun and were engaged in their learning the entire time.


Teacher Discomfort/Uncertainty Around Embodied Learning

    I am speculating, but I believe that math and science educators aren’t very familiar with embodied learning. Traditionally middle and high school math/science classrooms were inflexible, desks lined up in rows, students looking to the front copying down copious amounts of notes from the overhead projector. Around the room there would be shelves of breakable equipment, safety gear, and gas hookups for bunsen burners. There wasn’t a lot of room for creativity as there were facts to learn and a large curriculum that you may not make through before the final exam. Even in elementary schools, science and math classes were worksheets in colourful duotangs and the occasional manipulative. I have been in some elementary classrooms where skip counting is done by having student move up and down, clocks and the hours and minutes they contain acted out by children, and days of the week recited with gestures. So it does happen. As concepts become more challenging the lack of time and unfamiliarity with how it is done (lack of modelling/Pro-D, etc.) would play a role. Articles such as Resnick & Wilensky (1998) actually provide role-playing activities for teachers that they could modify to better fit the needs of their students or the curricular outcomes. I posit that teachers just didn’t know they exist. For example, their first activity has each student choose an integer and arrange themselves into like-numbered groups without telling them how to do that. While a simple activity, complex discussion can ensue because some groups will be quite uneven compared to others. A mathematical activity such as this can become a springboard for other more in-depth embodied activities.

Adolescents and Eye-Rolls

    Adolescents are fickle. Many times in my teaching I have been the recipient of the odd eye-roll or two when I have attempted to try something new and different in science or math class. The digestive system play that my Grade 8 students created was one of those experience. Each student was assigned one part of the digestive system and had to create a “rap” and movements (props encouraged) for their part in the play. At first students gave the eye-roll, but when they were moving about, secreting enzymes (spray-bottle) or whatnot, and having a pretty fun time learning, the eye-rolls ceased. When it came time to assess their knowledge, they knew the content very well! Taking a risk sometimes, even when it takes times, is worth it.

    If traditional role-playing activities or centers do not engage adolescents, then new artificial environments and virtual reality perhaps will. These new technologies allow students to become immersed in environments or experiences that they may not normally be exposed to. As Winn (2002) states, “artificial environments can use computer technology to create metaphorical representations in order to bring to students concepts and principles that normally lie outside the reach of direct experience” and connect students’ body, brain and environment. The possibilities for this type of learning are endless.

    These are a few of the reasons why I believe that embodied learning has not been commonly used in math and science classrooms. Perhaps with increased focus, further research and an more widespread understanding as to how it supports student learning, this will change.



Jarrett, O.S. (1997). Science and math through role-play centers in the elementary school classroom. Science Activities, 34(2).

Resnick, M. & Wilensky, U. (1998). Diving into complexity: Developing probabilistic decentralized thinking through role-playing activities. Journal of Learning Sciences, 7(2), 153-182.

Winn, W. (2002). Learning in artificial environments: embodiment, embeddedness and dynamic adaptation. Technology, Instruction, Cognition and Learning, 1(1), 87-114.

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