Module B Reflection

Module B was certainly a whirlwind! While I thoroughly enjoyed trying out a variety of TELEs (many of which I would like to incorporate into future classes), I found this module quite overwhelming.

I think this was due to vast array of readings, hands-on nature of the TELEs themselves, and then writing about our experiences with each of them. I wish I had more time to sit and actual be in the experience for a bit before rushing off to the next. This, of course, if my reflection, and others may have seen it differently!

My head was constantly spinning with how to use these TELEs in my courses. I was particularly drawn to the Jasper series. While it has been noted by most that it is outdated, I was looking for the potential – much like looking at the bones of an old house. It needs a new coat of paint, a few other things need refinishing but the structure is there. Personalizing Jasper to a school or grade group could be a fantastic experience and teachers have already expressed interested in creating something around this framework.

One assignment I found particularly useful was the TELE Synthesis. Consolidating all of the TELEs we had looked at and examining the positives and drawbacks was extremely helpful. I wish I had started that assignment at the beginning of Module B as I think it would have clarified a number of things for me.

Post ETEC 533, I intend to take the time and really explore these TELEs and their frameworks. T-GEM has a lot of potential to inform and give structure to our science classes at all grade levels. I particularly see it being quite successful with our Grade 8 students as they are a bit stronger at reflecting and making modifications. Of course as it is introduced to our other grade groups they too will develop these skills.

Certainly lots to think about!

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