Re: Customers as Your Promoters

After reading Winnie Woo’s blog post on customers travelling an extra distance to Whole Foods due to their awareness of the shared values, and discussing social sustainability, shared values and corporate responsibility in class, I realize the importance and its influences on my purchases and brand perceptions. When I was in elementary, I remember one of my teachers had “special” soccer balls we could play with at recess, and they were special because every ball she bought, someone else in the world also received one. The balls were coverted, cool and popular for kickball and soccer because it never went flat or needed a pump. While nostalgically reflecting upon the breaks of my childhood, I found that the balls we used to play with were The One World Futbol.

The One World Futbol, nearly indestructible and no pump needed. Taken from :

The One World Futbol Project, was founding sponsored by Chevrolet and partners with many organizations and causes, is a company that creates social value. Their mission is to “bring the healing power of play to youth worldwide by making, selling, distributing nearly indestructible balls that survive the harshest environments. Collaborating with sponsors, organizations and individuals, [they] deliver balls to disadvantaged communities where play and sport are used to foster social change”. In addition, with a purchase of a Futbol, they donate one to organizations working with youth in disadvantaged communities. Alternatively, consumers are able to buy Futbol’s and directly donate to the various organizations. Going back to Winnie’s blog post, although I may not have realized the business components of The One World Futbol in the third grade, but the lasting impression I had, nine years later not only established The One World Futbol Project position in customers’ mind, but shared the company’s values for all consumer demographics.


Works Referenced: “ONE WORLD FUTBOL PROJECT.” One World Futbol Home Comments. One World Futbol Project. Web. 9 Nov. 2014. <>.

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