Reflection for Social Enterprise Class

If  the United Nations was fully funded why would we need the Arc or social enterprise”?

In my opinion, even if the United Nations was fully funded, we would still need social enterprises such as the Arc to assist with the scope and allocation of such funding for social issues. Given the amount of global issues (health, security, gender equality, etc) being addressed and still needed to be addressed currently by the UN, fully funding the UN would give resources to approach the critical issuses, but the quantity and scope of all pressing issues would widen. With the numerous committees in the UN addressing a variety of issues, more funding could bring support to more issues, but coordination, organization, administration and allocation with the funds would become more complex. This is where social enterprise and corresponding organizations like the Arc would be required, helping to direct funding into the respective niches of social enterprise and assist in addressing the issues within the social enterprise niche.

A “trickle down” situation could occur, where the funds from the UN could be misallocated, underused or overused in the higher levels for administrative purposes, and the people in need of the funded resources and programs may not actually receive the supported. Thus, even with a fully funded UN, social enterprises can assist in the directions of funds, by advising and providing insight and background to the UN of the scope and breadth of the issues needed to be addressed. Different social enterprises are familiar with struggles and issues needed to be addressed, so with the existing infrastructure and newfound support from the UN, social enterprises can serve as good advisors for a fully funded UN.

UN Logo, taken from:

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