Response to External Blog: What is Branding? And Should Small Businesses Care?

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In class a while back, we discussed the importance of knowing a company’s value proposition and how that value proposition is often not just the product they are selling. One of the main parts of the value proposition for any business is often the brand name and associations made with that brand name.


Anita Campbell makes a compelling argument when she says any business can’t afford to not do branding. In other words, all businesses should have a strong brand name that they have worked on. A brand name is not just the name of the business or brand, but more importantly, it is the identity of the brand and the image of the brand that customers have in their heads.


For example, when I think of Starbucks, I automatically think of the iconic green mermaid, the Christmas red cups and coffee. I don’t drink Starbucks often, and I’ve never had their coffee but the brand name of Starbucks is permanently associated with those things in my mind. On top of the images that pop into my mind, I also think of how easy it is to customize a drink at Starbucks and all the secret menu drinks. This is another aspect of Starbucks that is created by branding; they will give you exactly what you want.


Anita makes a good point when she says all businesses have to do branding. Any brand worth remembering and returning to has created an image for themselves in the customers mind. Any business without branding essentially does not have an identity in the customers mind and therefore is not a competitor. Although having a product that can compete is important, it may be a useless effort if the business can’t specify what sets them apart from competitors.