Google, Dish Held Talks to Launch Wireless Service. Is Google CIA’s tool?

Wall Street Journal says that Google thinks about the possibility to start providing mobile services. Google has already held talks with the satellite TV provider Dish Network about partnership.  It intends to compete with companies such as Verizon Wireless and AT&T. However, the talks between Google and Dish Network have not yet led to any agreements.


Verizon Wireless and AT&T are the two largest mobile operators in the United States. Verizon Wireless has over 111 million users, while AT&T serves more than 105 million customers, as of the second quarter of the current year.

It is worth noting that Google is actively involved in the creation of public wireless internet connection hot spots. For example, company currently offers free Wi-Fi access in Mountain View, where its headquarters are located. It allows you to connect to the network for free.

Earlier it was reported that Google has decided to diversify its activities and become an Internet service provider. Google says that its internet speed a hundred times faster than conventional offerings from providers. The first connection to Google’s fiber optic networks was Kansas State.

Now, does everything Google is doing mean that Larry Page and Sergey Brin are trying to create a super IT conglomerate that will bring tons of money by selling the information about us to advertising companies? Or does that mean that Google will sell all information about its customers to CIA, so CIA can control the masses?  You can make an analysis by yourself:

  1. Google Maps – is able to find your location. If you are an “unnecessary” element for the government, CIA will be easily find your location and make you to disappear.
  2. Google Search engine – is able to gather the information about your interests.
  3. YouTube – is a mass media. It is known that mass media is able to delude the masses.
  4. If Google will launch its mobile services, it will mean that Google will be able to tap our phones.

The list can go on and on. We don’t know whether it’s true or not. You decide. In my opinion either ways are not ethical. If Google is really selling the information to CIA it is immoral and it should be stopped.

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