Unit One Reflection Blog


For the first unit of this course, I found that I have learned quite a bit in terms of professional writing tone and composure. In this assignment, the objective was to educate and inform, but in a professional manner. I was nervous walking into this assignment, as I had been told in the past that I often “over-complicate” when it comes to explaining new terms or ideas to others. I found that I often struggled with finding the correct words to use when speaking to someone not in my field. It is something I have had to greatly improve upon in my career when talking to my patients. This assignment would be a challenge but I was excited to see how my abilities have improved.

When writing my own assignment, I found myself moving quickly through the work. I knew what I was talking about, and I had been teaching the term to a patient a week prior, so I felt pretty confident. However, I know there are other aspects of my writing that need work. I often find that I move too quickly, from reading instructions to the assignment itself. After submitting the assignment, I realized that I should have went over all of the instructions before posting. There are always aspects here and there that I forget to include, in this case it was the introduction to the assignment, as well as re-reading to make sure the grammar and spelling was correct. In reviewing the assignment of my peer, Izabel, I found that I was able to see the differences between mine and her writing.  She was very thorough, and I appreciated the attention to detail. When revising my assignment, I looked at both he work done by my peer and my peer review to see what changes needed to be made.

Upon reviewing the assignment, I found it easy to re-read and make changes as I went through. the skill of review is something I need to improve a lot on and I hope to continue to get better as this course continues. Reading instructions thoroughly and not speeding through needlessly is something else to improve.

Reviewing my partners assignment I found to be difficult. I often am not in the position to critique and advise my classmates, so I was rather uncomfortable with the task. I realized however that the point was to learn from the exercise and embrace the challenge of giving advise to a classmate. Reading through multiple times helped me to understand why going over assignments is so helpful, and because i did not know the term I was reading about, it was easy to read it as a new learner. Creating a peer review for the work came with ease, as there were more positives then changes to be made. Unit one was very interesting and insightful, I cant wait to learn more.


Revised Definition

Revised Definition – Olivia – English 301 98A Technical Writing (ubc.ca)

Peer Review

Peer Review of Definitions Assignment – Olivia – English 301 98A Technical Writing (ubc.ca)

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