
To be honest, I have never created a LinkedIn profile until very recently, following a continuing education course that sparked a curiosity into using social media for career development. I quickly realized that it is a very useful but overwhelming platform that needs some time to get used to. By doing this assignment I was able to read more into the common practices behind a successful profile. It felt strange and kind of robotic at first, but I was able to add a bit more “me” after I read other profiles and found they were much more personable.

I still feel very insecure that I will be able to produce 12-15 pages of a formal report that expected of us. I have already been asking my patients questions about their experiences with their dental care programs and I’ve discovered some pretty interesting things. However I know there will be a lot of work coming up so I am trying to get my primary data taken care of as soon as possible. I worry that I will be rushed because it is due in a relatively tight period of time and that worries me as I want to be able to put a lot of effort in it while also staying on tip of my other class and working full time.

When peer reviewing my partners proposal, it was very insightful looking into another persons interests and what they are passionate about. I was getting better at looking at work from an objective perspective and see what I was confused with and needed some help. My reading and writing needs help through me putting more time into it. I often rush to do things because there is always something to do or work to complete and then I just try and get through what I am doing as fast as possible. I love reading my peer’s work. Their writing encourages me to focus on what I am passionate about and to put my heart into my work.


Revised Proposal


Peer Review by Rida



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