Unit 3 Reflection


In my humble opinion, the formal report draft was one of the most stressful things I have done. However, it was due to a time where my job was incredibly busy, and I was also moving apartments. So really the formal report was just the stress-induced icing on the cake. I total, I had a great time collecting information, as I just asked my patients who were eligible to be interviewed. I just asked them the survey questions, and recorded their responses so that gathering of information fit well into my day. Putting it all together was time consuming and at times difficult to learn how to arrange everything, but I likes being able to rely on my own expertise as well as the data in writing a (hopefully) comprehensive and education piece of work. Dental is an area of expertise that I am confident in, as I am working the field everyday. I feel lucky to be able to explore my interests in policy and funding in this way, and I hope to improve upon these skills in the future.

I have been having a relatively easy time putting the formal report together. however it is a very large assignment to be done in a short period of time. This has reflected in my group. As of today (July 27th at 4:00pm EST) only one other group member has posted their formal report draft to our team forum. This has pushed my schedule limitations even further as I was hoping to do my peer review and editing earlier this week. Team work brings these challenges all the time, however with such a short time period between due dates, the team members who submit on time are at a disadvantage.


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