

Throughout this course, I have honed many skills in terms of technical writing and creating documents in the workplace. While it is not one of my best skills, it is an important aspect in moving up in a career. Having these skills in order to create a professional atmosphere is crucial when applying to different levels of jobs, it could be the difference between you and another candidate.

In unit 1, it was interesting learning how to write things as simple as memos. It is something in my job I have never written as a lot of the communication is done face to face in healthcare. While something  corporate is not a job I aspire to do, it was good to learn as I will be continuing my education into teaching and may have to use this format one day.

Unit 2 was more diverse in terms of content. I liked learning more about LinkedIn as I have never really had to use it before as networking is not an incredibly important part of work in private dental offices if that is where you want your career to lead. In terms of extending your career beyond clinical practice, either in teaching, research, or sales.

The formal research report took up a lot time in unit 3, and it was scary at first to look at the gravity of that assignment, however it just took long periods of time. Luckily, because it was a subject I was knowledgable in, the paper went more smoothly than I anticipated. by the time I was writing the conclusion I felt like I had learned a lot in terms of composition. The confidence I gained will help the next paper I write and hopefully it will be even better.

While unit 4 was a lot of finishing up, it was a good finisher.My biggest goal throughout this course was to submit on time, and to the best of my ability. July was such a busy time in my career that it was something I really wanted to work towards, and more of the time everything was done in a timely matter. While I know I need to continue my work in proof reading and creating formats that match with the instruction, I think I made great headway in forging out my own writing style both professional and personal.

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