Best Work


Definitions Assignment


For this definitions assignment, we are challenged to create a breakdown of a term that was familiar to us in order to work on our abilities to communicate and educate. By using parenthetical, sentence, and expanded definitions, the term “operculectomy will be explained to the reader.


In this assignment, I am imagining a dental hygienist explaining this term to their patient who is having pain in the gum around their wisdom tooth and are looking at options for relief.



Parenthetical: Operculectomy (type of gum surgery) is indicated in some situations when there is gum pain. (Abate, 2020)

Sentence Definition: An operculectomy is the removal of any excess skin over a partially erupted tooth via surgery, or, used with orthodontic treatment in correcting the position of a tooth. (Abate, 2020)


Expanded definition:



What is an “operculectomy”?

“Operculectomy” is a surgical procedure where there is removal of excess tissues surrounding a partially erupted tooth due to pain or infection, in most cases. This procedure can also be used to aid unerupted teeth to erupt by creating an easier path of eruption (Bonetti, 1999). This procedure is commonly used with partially erupted or impacted (unable to erupt due to it being stuck against bone or another tooth), 3rd molars (wisdom teeth). In many cases, an operculum is formed when there is pressure or forces from the occluding (tooth on opposite jaw) teeth which result in a damaged and inflamed gum tissue. Another reason for this pain would be if the tooth is impacted and unable to erupt properly, leading to a food trap in the mouth that may become infected.


The world “operculectomy” comes from the latin derived word “operculum” which means “cover or lid” (Harper, 2022). This is referring to the excess gum tissue covering the tooth like a cover would. The second part of the word “-ectomy”, comes from the latinized Greek -ektomia “a cutting out of,”(Harper, 2022). This part of the word refers to the surgical removal of the excess tissue.


Why is it done?

An operculectomy is usually an elective procedure (not a danger if not done but may be used to reduce pain/infection). This surgery can be performed with either laser technology, or traditional surgical removal. Operculectomies are not often a permanent solution, as patients find that pain and swelling can return as tissues heal around the area again. A more permanent solution would be braces (orthodontics) to fix the affected area or removal of the tooth under operculum. An operculectomy is not the removal of the tooth itself, simply the removal of gum tissue covering the tooth. This is a common misconception amongst dental patients.


Works Cited

Abate, Andrea et al. “Efficacy of Operculectomy in the Treatment of 145 Cases with Unerupted Second Molars: A Retrospective Case-Control Study.” Dentistry journal vol. 8,3 65. 1 Jul. 2020, doi:10.3390/dj8030065

Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of operculum.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Accessed 1 June, 2022.

Harper, Douglas. “Etymology of -ectomy.” Online Etymology Dictionary, Accessed 1 June, 2022.

Bonetti G.A., Pelliccioni G.A., Checchi L. Management of bilaterally impacted mandibular second and third molars. J. Am. Dent. Assoc. 1999;130:1190–1194. doi: 10.14219/jada.archive.1999.0373.

Peer Review Definition for Izabel 

Name of the Reviewer:  Olivia Fournier

Author’s Name: Izabel Lopez

Title of the Expanded Definition: “Machine Learning”



As someone who does not know much at all about computer science, I certainly found your work to have taught me more about this field. Other than the “algorithm” that we hear so much about, machine learning is quite the foreign concept among most individuals. Reading through your work helped me to understand the concepts behind machine learning and how it came to be what we know today.


The purpose of this assignment was very well executed. I understand not only what machine learning is, but also the origins of the term and how it is used in everyday life. I liked how this term was expanded upon in the expanded definition, but the parenthetical definition was well done too, indicating a high level of understanding of the subject.



I found this assignment to be well suited for the audience it was addressing. As someone who does not know much about computer science and artificial intelligence, this term was daunting at the beginning, however, as it was explained I became more comfortable to reading further. Very well done!


First, the picture as a reference to where we’ve seen this sort of AI before was a very smart addition to this piece. The paragraphs were structured well and in a logical manner.


Where it gets confusing is in the second paragraph of the expanded definition where the author goes more in-depth into machine learning and how it is done. The word “model” is not well described, so the reader cannot visualize what the author is referring to.


The use of examples at the end of that second paragraph does clear things up, but some further definitions would be beneficial.




The methods of expansion used are:

  • How does it work?
  • History
  • How is it used or applied?
  • What are its parts?

These expansion techniques worked well for the word being defined. It included the information that would be needed to learn and explained this term to someone else.


I would have preferred to have perhaps a visual guide for how the information is passed along or processed to become data that is used in machine learning. It is explained in the assignment, however it can be difficult to understand just with words.



Final Impressions

Very well done! I enjoyed learning about a concept I am faced with every day but did not know anything about! You know your work and passions very well.


There are a couple changes that I would suggest, such as further expanding on what a “model” is in this context, as well as perhaps providing a sort of visual for the processing of data in machine learning. All are small changes. Great work with the references, I find it very clean and neat when they are done in this way.



Revised Formal Report Proposal

To: Dr. Erika Paterson
From: Olivia Fournier
Date: June 20th, 2022
Subject: Proposal for Determining Effectiveness of Subsidised Dental Programs in Ontario, Canada

In Ontario, Canada, there are 7 subsidised dental care programs for residence assistance, each with its own set of qualifiers and limitations. The dental programs are used for services done at a private dental office, such as cleanings, restorative work, denture, crowns, bridges, tooth removal, and in some cases, orthodontics. The programs look at the individual’s yearly income, health, and age to determine eligibility.

These 7 programs are:

-OSDCP: Ontario Seniors Dental Care Plan

– HSO: Healthy Smiles Ontario (children under 17)

-ODSP: Ontario Disability Support Plan

– OW: Ontario Works Dental Coverage (income and employment support for temporary financial need)

– IFHP: Interim Federal Health Program (for resettled refuges)

– NIHB: Non-Insured Health Benefits (First Nations people and Inuit)

– VAC: Veteran Affairs Canada

These services are free of charge to the participant if they qualify. They cover both preventative and restorative care, as well as dentures in some cases with prior approval. The 4 main programs to be evaluated are NIHB, ODSP, HSO and OSDCP due to their popularity and the use within my practice.
Statement of Problem
These programs do cover certain procedures and preventative care; however, they have also been the cause of frustration for many patients. As mentioned previously, these programs have limitations, and sometimes the patient requires more aid than what is given. This leads to a gap in healthcare which can be stark. A dental program is not one-size-fits-all and should not be provided as such. Unfortunately, funded coverage is often provided in this way. By determining the level of success through evaluating the individual who are in these programs, we can evaluate the shortcomings of the dental care allowed.

Proposed Solution 

By creating a universal dental care plan for individuals who need help, are uninsured, are under a certain age or seniors, these funded systems could be better and more thorough for all individuals who need care. In integrating a more community-based system that is more widely accepted at dental offices, there will be better care available to these individuals as well. I plan on introducing the proposed plan after determining the short comings of the current dental care programs to the Honourable Patty Hajdu who is the current minister of health, as well as the NDP and Liberal government coalition for finding a solution for a universal dental care program.


To assess the acceptance and efficacy of the 4 main subsidized dental care programs in Ontario through the knowledge gained by interviewing current dental patients participating in these programs. I will be asking questions about 4 areas of research.

– Ease of the application process.
– Use of the program for restorative and preventative work.
– Knowledge of the program.
– If the program provides enough for their dental needs.


My primary data sources will be through interviewing or providing questionnaires to participants in these programs who are currently dental patients that I see in my clinic. They will remain anonymous and will be asked for their consent first regarding their participation. I will also be looking into responses from the 4 working dentists at my clinic to see their views regarding the programs and their experiences in working with them.

Second sources will be publications regarding these programs and overall functionality.

My Qualifications 

I earned my accreditation of Registered Dental Hygienist in 2020 from John Abbott College and am graduating in 2023 from the BDSc program from the University of British Columbia. When in college I did a stage in Mistassini, Quebec doing early childhood education with their dental program. I also just started my 3rd year working in a private dental clinic where we see many patients from subsidized dental programs.


Action needs to be taken to determine the efficacy of these subsidized dental programs, as there have been so many complaints and inadequate dental care for their needs.  By addressing the 4 main areas of inquiry, I can determine needs and well as what should be doe next to improve on the programs available. With your approval for my topic, I will begin assembling questions and compiling my panel of patients.

Progress Report


To:  Dr. Erika Paterson, Instructor ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
From:  Olivia Fournier RDH, Student ENGL 301 Technical Writing UBC
Date:  July 8th, 2021
Subject: 301 Progress Report: Population study on common subsidised dental care programs in Ontario

Purpose and Significance of Report

The purpose of this report is to provide recommendations for a universal dental care program in Ontario, which is the mutual goal of the NDP party and liberal government. The individuals in the existing dental programs are assets for information regarding functionality and efficacy of these programs. We can then provide a baseline for this universal program.

Intended Audience

The NDP party and Liberal government dental care coalition, as well as the Honourable Patty Hajdu who is the current minister of health.

Report Objectives

The objectives of this report are:

  • Ease of the application process. Are people finding it difficult to apply?
  • What are people using this program for? Fillings and crowns, cleanings, surgery, extractions, etc.).
  • Knowledge of the program (what the participants are covered for, how much money allocated/year etc.).
  • Is the program providing enough for their dental needs.


Primary data collection via an online survey targeted to consumers. Attached is the link to the survey questions being used to gather data for this report:

Secondary sources will include research from the internet as well as information and opinion from the dentists and hygienists I work with.

Formal Report Outline

Attached is the link to the outline for the formal report:

Research Plan

To analyze feasibility and provide effective recommendations, I plan to:

  • Interview and survey individuals in these programs to procure their direct feedback
  • Secondary information and recommendations from coworkers in the dental field
  • Information from the internet from accredited studies and interviews done on the matter
  • The information made available to participants in these programs on their website or through a contact with the directors of said programs

Writing Schedule

Attached is my writing schedule for the coming months:
301 Olivia’s Writing Schedule

July 10th-20th: Working on formal report draft due the 22nd

July 20th-22nd: Formatting formal report draft

July 22nd – July 24th: Peer review

July 24th – August 2nd: Edit and complete formal report final draft

LinkedIn Best Practices 

To: Writing Team, ENGL301

From: Olivia Fournier, ENGL301 Student

Date: July 8th, 2022

Subject: Summary of Top 10 LinkedIn Best Practices


Technology has become an integral part of the workplace and finding ways to embrace this change has been very important regarding career development. LinkedIn is a social networking site designed specifically for the business community. While it may be tricky to master, here are the top 10 best practices for improving your presence on the site.

  1. Create a comprehensive and thorough profile. This includes a profile picture, a brief introductory summary, and including relevant work and educational experience.
  2. Publish long-form content (and use it to your advantage). Thought leadership is important. Monitor relevant and recent topics to share opinions and open conversations.
  3. Showcase your passions. In today’s world, people want to know that there is a person behind the screen. Help them get to know you by posting as an individual, and not a corporation.
  4. Grow your Network. Connect with other users in the same field, have similar skills, or fellow alumni. This could open several doors for opportunity in the long run.
  5. Post Consistently, and on a Regular Schedule. Users are more likely to share your articles or information if they know there are more to come.
  6. Don’t be afraid to be BOLD. Highlight issues and subjects that interest you, especially topics you don’t see often.
  7. Focus on being relevant instead of viral. Long term success is more fruitful than short and fleeting fame.
  8. Engage and be active. Reciprocate when someone comments, encourage light debate, and interact with your favourite individuals.
  9. Spotlight the services you offer. Either as a business or as an individual.
  10. Have fun and stay present! This can be a hard one. It’s easy to fall into the doom and gloom of the online blackhole. Keep it light and make sure you are enjoying yourself too. People will see your happiness through the screen.

It can be daunting starting a new social media platform for yourself or your business. With these practices, it can make it easier to manage your newly formed profile and community.



Formal Report Memo

To: Dr. Erika Paterson, ENG301 Professor
From: Olivia Fournier, ENG 301 Student
Date: June 22nd, 2022
Subject: Formal Report Proposal Posting

I am sending this short memo to inform you of my formal report proposal which is have just posted on our team page. My report will focus on some of the subsidized dental care programs in Ontario and their efficacy according to the individuals participating in these programs. The programs I will be looking at are the Healthy Smiles Ontario program, the non-insured health benefits program, Ontario disability program, and the Ontario seniors dental care program; as they are the most commonly used by patients at my practice.

I will be looking at 4 areas in particular:
– Ease of the application process.
– Use of the program for restorative and preventative work.
– Knowledge of the program.
– If the program provides enough for their dental needs.

This report will be provided to representatives of the Liberal and NDP coalition in the federal government as they begin to move forwards with their plan to implement a universal dental program for individuals in low-income households or without adequate insurance. Hopefully this report will help them to create their program to suit the many needs of the public.

I will be using information from interviews and questionaries given to individuals in these groups, as well as information from dentists I work with and literature found on the internet.

I am excited to hear your feedback, as well as from the peer review within my team. Attached to this email is a copy of my formal report proposal for your convenience.


Formal Report Proposal Olivia

YOU-Attitude Memo

TO: Evan Crisp, UBC Student

FROM: Olivia Fournier, ENG301 Student

SUBJECT: Best Practices for e-mail communication

DATE: July 14th, 2022

Thanks for reaching out to our class! It was nice to hear from a fellow UBC student regarding a problem we all have at one point during student life. Enclosed in this memo are some principles for writing effective and professional emails to professors. It can be difficult to get into a full class, but these tips help greatly


Tips for emailing professors when a course is full:

  • Using proper grammar and full spelling of words, no “short form” language.
  • Ensuring proper email format, such as subject line, addressing the reader properly, and formatting in paragraphs.
  • Be understanding and flexible. Being kind is always a good first step.
  • Being professional by sticking to the point and staying out of personal matters.
  • Respecting the readers time and thanking them properly.
  • Avoiding timeframes and rushing the reader.


With these tips, emailing a professor should come a little easier. Email is an essential tool for communicating at school. Any further questions can be sent to me at

Complaint Letter 

Olivia Fournier RDH

1800 Something or Another Road,

Ottawa, Ontario K1L 5G7

July 18th, 2022

Mr. Lloyd Peaches, Customer support

Dental Supplies Inc.

110 – Main Street

Ottawa, Ontario K1J 5T6


Dear Mr. Peaches,

Greetings, I hope this letter finds you well on this beautiful summer weekend.

My name is Olivia Fournier, and I work for Family Dental in Centertown (ACCT # 12345). I am writing this letter to inform you of a missing shipment that we should have received 3 days ago from your company. We received an update after placing the order that is has been shipped, however we received no further communication. The order number we have on file is #665577 and should contain 50 GUM 525 deep clean toothbrushes imprinted with our offices’ name.

This is not the first time this incident has occurred, as last month we received order #28172 over 3 weeks late from the original delivery date. As a busy dental office, we need these crucial supplies to serve our patients better. These late deliveries make it impossible to plan important treatment, and we require attention to ensure that this does not happen again.

Due to the late delivery, we have needed to purchase toothbrushes from another dental supplier. We would appreciate a prompt full refund of order #665577 for our inconveniences experienced with your company. The refund can be put back on the credit card on file, at your earliest convenience.

Thank you for your response.


Olivia Fournier

Olivia Fournier, RDH

Encl. Order confirmation and receipt

Letter of Response 

Mr. Lloyd Peaches

Dental Supplies Inc.

110 – Main Street

Ottawa, Ontario K1J 5T6

July 18th, 2022

Olivia Fournier

Family Dental

1800 Something or Another Road,

Ottawa, Ontario K1L 5G7


Dear Ms. Fournier,

I would personally like to thank you for your offices business over the years, your support throughout the pandemic has been appreciated.

I completely understand your frustration, and I apologize for the later than usual delivery dates recently. Unfortunately, due to the ongoing pandemic and transportation issues we have been faced with as a business, we are experiencing longer than usual delivery times for all orders leaving our warehouses. This information is stated on our order page for our customers convenience before checking out, as well as on the order receipt which was enclosed in your letter.

As this information was made available to you before ordering, we cannot be held liable for late deliveries at this time, and we are unable to credit your account for delivery delays. We apologize for the inconvenience as we all learn how to navigate the realities of the pandemic together.

Thank you again for your letter and your continued business.


Lloyd Peaches

Lloyd Peaches, Customer Support

Formal Report Draft Peer Review

To: Rida Irshad, English 301 Student Writer

From: Olivia Fournier, English 301 Student Reviewer

Date: July 27th, 2022

Subject: Peer Review of Formal Report Draft: report on increasing community oral hygiene for individuals with special needs


Thank you for submitting this draft for your report on increasing community oral hygiene for individuals with special needs. Following the progress from your formal report proposal, the draft for your final report so far looks great. You have done a great job so far with the organization of your introduction, data sections, and conclusion. Following are some suggestions for further improving this proposal:

First Impressions: 

Love the uses of solid and powerful references throughout this draft. Really adds to the research you will be presenting. I like the tables and graphs presented; it really helps to illustrate the data while still allowing the data to look professional in the report. Great job creating a baseline for more info to be added in your final draft. This report should work out very smoothly.



  • So far, what has been written so far is well presented and professionally done
  • Highlights the lack of general knowledge of services available for individuals with special needs,
  • I can really appreciate the use of secondary data from professionals in the field, it gives an excellent perspective
  • At the beginning of the data section, looking into the needs for individuals with special needs helps to get more specific with what these new dental programs should offer.


  • Very well organized, this will be very well done once it is finished. I like the breakdown of your information


Grammar and Technical Errors:

  • The term “personal relations” can be seen in an inherently intimate relationship way. Perhaps try “close” relationship to make it more neutral of a term.
  • “Impact will these community oral hygiene programs have on the selected population’s oral and overall health.” Should be changed to “The impact that these oral hygiene programs will have on the selected populations oral and overall health”




The main concern with this report is the lack of responses from individuals with special needs themselves. It is good to have the information from people close to potential participants in these programs, however in a full report there should be some feedback from individuals experiencing special needs themselves. Other than a couple of grammar and structure errors, I would recommend finishing up more and sending me as you get closer to the end if you would like additional feedback.

Thank you!