About Me



My name is Olivia and I am a 22 year old dental hygienist living in Ottawa, Ontario. Originally however, I grew up in a more rural area on an island so I’ve always felt more comfortable by bodies of water. I lived in Montreal for 3 years when I went to school at John Abbott college for my dental hygiene diploma. Unfortunately, I was due to graduate 3 months after the pandemic started, so I have yet to have a formal graduation. My career is my passion and I am currently working towards my Bachelors of dental sciences (BDSc) in the faculty of dentistry at UBC. I live with my partner and my two bunny rabbits named Rosie and Robbie (both girls, Robbie is apparently short for Roberta now after we thought we brought home a little boy).They are absolute joys and are in fact litter trained so they can roam free like cats in our house.

I have one younger brother who also lives in Ottawa, he works for the government in HR so he would likely do very well in this course! Outside of teeth and bunnies, I taught myself to knit and crochet last year and have been making little knick knacks ever since! A couple of months ago, a came across some blanket yarn, and I have been crocheting blankets for sick kids in the oncology ward at the local children’s hospital.

I am completing my university education because I would like to teach dental hygiene at one of the local collages, or perhaps pharmacology at a university n the faculty of dentistry. I have a passion for the health and oral wellness in Indigenous communities, and I hope to possibly develop programs for isolated locations one day. Public health is so incredibly important. Even though I have only been working in my career for 2 years, I can recognize a huge need for inter professional collaboration to better the health systems in these communities.

Thank you for reading! I am so excited to meet all of you!