Reflection essay #3

This is my last reflection essay !!!:)

Reflection #3

The second educational revolution: rethinking education in the age of technology

by Collins, A. & Halverson, R.

          Over the past few decades, advances in science and technology have brought us numerous benefits in different ways. The technology basically made our lives easier across the world, and many of us embraced the advantages of the technology naturally. Before we knew it, people already shared technology at work places, schools, and home. Due to developing technology, education is going through a second revolution which affects the way we learn. Educators in the age of technology play an important role for learning people. However, in some cases they have not yet changed their notions that the way of delivery knowledge must involve standardized teaching, and they need to change the system of assessment in school.

For example, many of educators use multiple-choice and short answer items on tests for evaluating students’ abilities and acquisition of knowledge. My knowledge also has been evaluated by standardizes assessment in classes, but the EDCP class uses a different system in which there is no standardized teaching and learning. In my opinion, this class provides learning and assessments better than in other classes. Our final project, an e-portfolio, use a different assessment tool to measure self-expression, user’s abilities, creative thinking, and learning record over several years. The e-portfolio is a new technological system in education, and I think that this project will provide me with what I need for my developmental goals. This system seems to be suitable for learning digital technology in the age of technology, and gives me practical experience and help. At beginning of this class, I was unfamiliar with this system. But now I am learning a lot of things and experiencing how to use and treat digital technology in this class unlike the standardization classes.

In the article, Collins and Halverson (2010) argue that our school leaders and teachers need to understand technology, and also proponents of information technology need to work to develop new approaches in collaboration with educators for the new technological revolution. Collins and Halverson (2010) point out that we will have to adapt more to education in many different ways and places such as home schooling, workplace learning, distance education, adult education, learning centers, computer games, web communities, technical certifications, and Internet cafes. I can see that some of my friends are taking courses by distance education, and I can even take some of these courses myself. I think they want us to understand the new system of education as something that needs radical changes, and make us notice that education is not only schooling but also happens everywhere and whenever we want to learn. Based on a survey, parents in the US have seen a drift towards children being in home schooling and distance learning in the last several decades.

When I watched the news on television quite a while ago, home schooling had started in Korea. But home schooling was just issue for a short time. In addition, it did not attract the attention of educators and parents who supported the standardized system in Korean society. Collins and Halverson (2010) are right in that, as we have the benefits of new technologies, we should rethink our views about schooling and learning. Our education system has been overlooking their importance. We have come to think that we need to focus on our current educational institutions. But instead, Collins and Halverson (2010) argue, people need education in the age of technology that emphasizes the role of more responsibility, customization, less competition, and active systems. Society should move on, and one way to improve education is to improve the schools.

Education is endless learning during our lifetimes. Actually, my conception of education was that I was not going to study anymore after graduation, and that this is my last education in my life. However, I realize that education, especially with new technology, brings valuable experience, golden opportunities, and my own development. Collaboration of new technology and education is one way that will lead to an improved future society, economy, and culture all over the world. This is the time to rethink our current education system, which tends to overlook the digital impact. We must also think about the potential gains and potential losses from being in the midst of a technological revolution. Of course, we need lots of time to reflect on the major change for the future. However, after reading Collins and Halverson’s article, my thinking about education in the age of technology has changed, to make me interested in the vision for an educational system, and realize educational reform could not happen without everyone’s efforts. We are in state of tensions between conventional schooling and the new system of education with digital media. There is time to catch up with technology even if we think it is too late!!!

References: Collins, A. and Halverson, R. “The Second Educational Revolution: Rethinking Education in the Age of Technology” Journal of Computer Assisted Learning (2010), 26, 18-27.

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1 Response to Reflection essay #3

  1. Sul Gi Oh says:

    This is a my last reflection essay!!!! 🙂

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